Xanax Detox Center in Massachusetts

Dr. Ximena Sanchez-Samper

Ximena Sanchez-Samper, MD is a Board- Certified Addiction Psychiatrist who obtained her degree as a psychiatrist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN and completed her Addictions Fellowship through the combined Massachusetts General Hospital, McLean Hospital / Brigham and Women’s Hospital Addictions Fellowship program in 2004.

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What is Xanax Detox? 

Our Xanax detox center in Massachusetts provides a safe and secure environment for those suffering from addiction to the powerful benzodiazepine medication. At Charles River Recovery, we offer services to help individuals regain control of their lives and become free from addiction. These services are geared toward helping individuals addicted to Xanax and other benzodiazepines. They include therapeutic interventions, counseling, medical detoxification and educational programs.

Xanax is a benzodiazepine commonly prescribed for anxiety and panic disorders. While the drug effectively treats these conditions, it can also cause various side effects, including addiction. In recent years, the number of people seeking treatment for Xanax addiction has increased significantly. Chronic use of Xanax carries a risk of dependence, leading to withdrawal symptoms and medical complications upon cessation of use.

Understanding Xanax Addiction, Withdrawal and Treatment

Xanax misuse and addiction are increasingly common in the United States. This is partly because of the misuse potential of the drug as well as the wide availability on the street, making it relatively easy to acquire. A 2019 report by the DEA shows one of the three most commonly misused prescription drugs is alprazolam (Xanax).

In addition, Xanax misuse is a significant concern for health professionals due to the risk of addiction and withdrawal symptoms. It is the benzodiazepine with the highest prescription rate, according to an FDA report. In fact, of the 92 million benzodiazepine prescriptions filled at U.S. retail pharmacies in 2019, 38% were for alprazolam.

How Addictive is Xanax?

Benzodiazepines are addictive drugs with a high potential for abuse, tolerance and dependence. Chronic use of Xanax carries the risk of psychological and physical dependence. The risk depends on the dosage taken and the duration of treatment. Physical dependence and tolerance to alprazolam may also develop after extended use.

The high potential for abuse is mainly due to Xanax’s potent properties. It is the strongest and most potentially addictive benzodiazepine. Additionally, Xanax has a high potential for misuse because the drug produces a calming or anti-anxiety effect similar to alcohol. This may contribute to its high-risk potential as an addictive drug.

Factors Leading to Addiction

Signs of addiction include tolerance, dependence and the inability to discontinue use. Many individuals who develop an addiction also suffer from a co-occurring mental health disorder, such as depression and anxiety. Here are a few factors that could lead to addiction:

  1. The tendency to use drugs to manage negative emotions.
  2. Social factors, such as early exposure to drugs, drug availability and familial connections to addiction.
  3. The severity of the addiction itself.
  4. The social stigma of addiction, both in relation to societal norms and the effect on relationships
  5. The individual’s knowledge of the Xanax dose-effect relationship, such as the likelihood that a dose escalation will produce intoxication.

People who are reluctant to seek treatment for Xanax addiction may be suffering from denial, fear of loss and prior negative experiences with treatment services. Others may not be aware of their addiction or misperceive the nature and extent of their dependence on the drug.

The Effects of Xanax Dependence on Mental Health

Xanax dependence and addiction can have a devastating effect on mental health. Due to the capacity of the drug to induce physical and psychological addiction, its misuse can lead to mental impairment. These effects may include cognitive dysfunction, memory loss, depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, paranoia, delusions and psychosis.

As much as Xanax treats anxiety and panic attacks, it can also trigger symptoms of these disorders. The drug may aggravate pre-existing conditions, such as social anxiety disorder, which may be the origin of some symptoms experienced during and after withdrawal.

The Effects of Xanax Use and Addiction on Physical Health

Physical dependence occurs when the body becomes used to a drug over time. This can result in tolerance and, in extreme cases, withdrawal symptoms if use is abruptly ceased. The adverse effects of physical dependence can include:

  • Memory loss
  • Loss of coordination
  • Muscle tension and pain
  • Slurred speech
  • Dizziness
  • Worsening depression

In addition, Xanax users may be at risk of injury due to impaired coordination and memory loss. It can also cause life-threatening medical complications such as overdose, seizure, stroke or even death.

Withdrawal Timeline

Xanax withdrawal can be a difficult and uncomfortable process. Understanding what to expect during the withdrawal timeline can help you prepare and plan for a safe and successful withdrawal. The withdrawal timeline can begin within 24 hours after the last dose and last a few weeks. However, the time frame varies widely depending on factors such as age and the dosage taken before quitting. Studies show that when taken for more than six months, about 40% of users feel some degree of withdrawal after they quit, ranging from moderate to severe.

Xanax Withdrawal Symptoms

Xanax withdrawal symptoms can be severe and involve physical, psychological and emotional effects. The severity of the withdrawal symptoms depends on the length and intensity of use of the drug. The most common symptoms include anxiety, insomnia, muscle aches and pains, loss of appetite, psychosis and seizures. These symptoms usually cease gradually as the body re-accustoms to functioning without the drug.

Xanax Detoxification Process

Detoxification treats withdrawal symptoms by administering drugs, encouraging the body to eliminate drug residue and toxins. It is one of the most effective methods of managing Xanax addiction. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests a timeline for healthcare providers to help the clients safely taper off benzodiazepines due to the difficulties associated with withdrawal and cessation.

It’s essential to have a controlled and medically supervised detox process for optimal recovery. Since the withdrawal symptoms associated with Xanax addiction are severe, detoxing at an inpatient facility is best. Many people who undergo detoxification in a supervised setting can rest more comfortably and confidently than if they were attempting to undergo the process alone.

Types of Treatment Available for Xanax Use Disorder

There are various types of treatment available to individuals with Xanax use disorder. Depending on the severity of the addiction, a person seeking help and treatment may seek help at an inpatient or outpatient facility. Here are the different types of treatment programs for Xanax use disorder:

Inpatient Detoxification

Inpatient detoxification is the treatment option most commonly utilized by individuals suffering from benzodiazepine addiction. Inpatient detoxification facilities are designed to provide intensive treatment and care. It can be highly effective if done according to a schedule with medical supervision. The care provided at an inpatient facility should be tailored to the individual’s needs.

Outpatient Detoxification

Outpatient detoxification programs provide safe and effective treatment for clients with moderate to severe dependence and addiction. Many of these outpatient programs are designed to be taken over one to three months. Outpatient treatment programs are available in many forms, including group and individual counseling, self-help groups, etc.

Therapeutic Treatment

Therapy provides less intensive recovery services to individuals with milder disorders. This type of treatment can still provide many benefits and help clients detoxify. It also allows people to change their behavioral patterns, cravings and thoughts. Practical therapy sessions like cognitive behavioral therapy can help people learn new coping skills and behavior.

Recovery Support Services

Recovery support services are designed to help clients manage the symptoms of their addiction. Resources and referrals are made available in the community for long-term recovery support. These resources can include self-help groups, a recovery mentor or peer support.

Avoiding Relapse

One of the most critical steps in recovery is preventing relapse. Relapse is the return to drug use or heavy alcohol consumption after abstinence. It can occur regardless of the type or length of treatment. Here are some tips and techniques to avoid relapse:

Avoiding Triggers

Clients may have to learn to avoid specific triggers that could make them relapse. These triggers include stress, emotions, family members and relationships. Therapeutic and individual counseling sessions can help clients identify their triggers and develop coping strategies to avoid relapse.

Building Supportive Relationships

People with Xanax addiction tend to lose their support system over time. This is because they isolate themselves from friends, family and others. So it is essential to build a new support network of friends and family to offer encouragement and support during recovery.

Engaging in Healthy Activities

When recovering from Xanax addiction, keeping busy and engaging in healthy activities to avoid boredom and anxiety is essential. Healthy activities include jogging, swimming, and engaging in hobbies. You can also volunteer in community work and programs.

Learning New Coping Skills

It is essential to watch for unhealthy patterns and thoughts. These can be cravings, negative thoughts or urges to use Xanax. Counseling and group therapy sessions are highly beneficial as these can provide opportunities to identify such patterns and tackle the underlying issues.

Following the Treatment Plan

Clients must follow the treatment plan to avoid relapse. This may include drug testing, regular meetings with the treatment team, individual counseling sessions and other activities that help clients maintain sobriety. Failing to do so can leave people vulnerable to relapse.

The Role of Our Xanax Detox Center in Massachusetts

Our Xanax detox center programs are designed to assist clients through withdrawal. Specialized staff typically monitor symptoms and manage the discomfort associated with discontinuing benzodiazepines, opioids and alcohol, among other mind-altering drugs. Not only are long-term users of Xanax at risk for developing an addiction but also those who have been prescribed the drug to treat a condition and then continued use after their symptoms subsided.

We can help you detoxify safely and effectively. Charles River Recovery staff provides supportive methods to manage withdrawal symptoms and help individuals avoid relapse after treatment. Trusted therapeutic services, practices, and therapists are essential in helping you recover from Xanax addiction.

If you or someone you love suffers from a Xanax use disorder, please seek help immediately. at Charles River Recovery, we can help those suffering from Xanax addiction through detoxification, therapy sessions and support groups. Fill out the contact form at Charles River Recovery to get your needed help.